
Entresierras Nebraska Mountains

Sobre Pandi

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Sobre Pandi


Esp Ch, Vet Esp Ch, “Vice” Eur Vet Ch, “Vice” WW Vet Ch For Your Eyes Only Xandrina (FCI)
Pl Jr Ch, Pl Ch, Club Jr Winner, Mid-East European Winner, Pl Winner Hot Shot Xandrina
Int Ch, JCh Pl, Ch Pl, Ch Ml Daragoj Frank Zappa
JPl Ch, Pl Ch, Lt JW Starbuck Torbay Smoke Ring
Pl Ch Dancing Queen Xandrina
Am Ch, Pl Ch, Rus Ch, Euro Winner 2001-2002, Crufts ClasifiedCherry Creek Man of Mistery
Pl Ch, Ro Ch, Rus Ch Dufosee Ginevre
Duchess of Entresierras Xandrina (FCI)
PlCh, Pl Jr Ch, Pl Club Winner 2010Xando Xandrina
Int Ch , Grand Bol Ch , Aut Ch , Bol Ch , Cze Ch , Ger Ch , Hrv Ch , Hun Ch , Lux.Ch , Mac Ch , Mnt Ch , Pol Ch , Svk Ch Beagelee Black Jack
JPl Ch, Pl Ch, Lt JW Starbuck Torbay Smoke Ring
PlCh, Pl Jr Ch, Pl Club Winner Amelia Pomarsczony Czar
Pl Jr Ch, Pl Ch, Club Jr Winner, Mid-East European Winner, Pl Winner Hot Shot Xandrina
PlCh, Pl Jr Ch Migotka Pomarsczony Czar

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